
class sharpy.solvers.trim.Trim[source]

Trim routine with support for lateral dynamics. It usually struggles much more than the StaticTrim (only longitudinal) solver.

We advise to start with StaticTrim even if you configuration is not totally symmetric.

The settings that this solver accepts are given by a dictionary, with the following key-value pairs:

Name Type Description Default
print_info bool Print info to screen True
solver str Solver to run in trim routine  
solver_settings dict Solver settings dictionary {}
max_iter int Maximum number of iterations of trim routine 100
tolerance float Threshold for convergence of trim 0.0001
initial_alpha float Initial angle of attack 0.0
initial_beta float Initial sideslip angle 0.0
initial_roll float Initial roll angle 0
cs_indices list(int) Indices of control surfaces to be trimmed []
initial_cs_deflection list(float) Initial deflection of the control surfaces in order. []
thrust_nodes list(int) Nodes at which thrust is applied [0]
initial_thrust list(float) Initial thrust setting [1.0]
thrust_direction list(float) Thrust direction setting [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
special_case dict Extra settings for specific cases such as differential thrust control {}
refine_solution bool If True and the optimiser routine allows for it, the optimiser will try to improve the solution with hybrid methods False